You chose: pizzica

You chose: pizzica

  • Facts & Stories
    Tiziana Rinaldi Castro(January 07, 2014)
    Continuing our conversation with Maestro Mauro Pagani, with whom I met over the course of the summer in the city to talk about music, politics, culture, and his New York experience. One of the topics we covered during a long walk along the Hudson River was Southern Italian Music and its influence on Italian music at large “Modernity’s problem is communication, especially in this time of cultural globaliza-tion. And good communication depends upon cross-cultural exchange.”
  • Art & Culture
    George De Stefano(January 23, 2013)
    On the eve of Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino's American tour, Mauro Durante talks about the power of traditional music and the band's new album
  • Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino’s North American tour brings the concert experience of The Notte Della Taranta festival to US and Canadian populations for the first time. There is a strong interest in the rediscovery and restoration of one’s roots and identity through traditional musical forms. Rather than creating a lovingly-preserved postcard to the past, the Pizzica Taranta experience encourages contemporary global culture to play a role in the on-going regeneration of the music and dance of Puglia born from the ancient and universally-known Italian tale of the Tarantella.
  • Life & People
    George De Stefano(July 23, 2009)
    21st century pizzica from Mimmo Epifani and Rione Junno. The pizzica (also known as pizzica pizzica and pizzica taranta) originally was the music of tarantismo, a cultural phenomenon that emerged in the southern Salento peninsula of the Puglia region