You chose: italian embassy

You chose: italian embassy

  • The Hillyer Art Space in Washington, D.C. presents an exciting exhibition from May 5—July 2, featuring Italian artists Marco Bagnoli, Domenico Bianchi, and Remo Salvadori, whose work will also be part of the inaugural show at the Magazzino Italian Art to open on June 28.
  • The panel for the first event of this year's Digital Diplomacy Series
    On February 13th, the Italian Embassy and the Italian diplomatic network in the United States held a panel discussion in Washington D.C. about news, the Internet, and foreign policy as part of their Digital Diplomacy Series.
  • The prize itself will be awarded at the Palazzo Ducale in the City of Urbino in June. The Urbino Press Award, underscored President of the Marche Region, Gian Mario Spacca, "is an initiative that has been able, in the last nine years, to consolidate the already strong collaboration between our region and the United States." Gwen Ifill’s calm and collected style and professionalism are synonymous with the utmost fair and unbiased news coverage in America and abroad,” said Ambassador Bisogniero.
  • Thanks to the Year of Italian Culture in the US, Italy and United States are even more closely tied. The first part of the initiative presented a full calendar of cultural events involving art, music, theater, sciences, and design in major US cities, such as Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. In this interview, Ambassador of Italy Claudio Bisogniero tells us about the satisfactions, difficulties and successes encountered so far and talks about the projects and events prepared for the upcoming months. One of them involving the unveiling a Hellenistic Greek sculpture dated to around 330 B.C titled Boxer of Quirinal, which will be on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on loan from the collection of the National Museum of Rome.
  • Life & People
    Natasha Lardera(July 15, 2011)
    New opportunities and challenges for Italian food products in a ever growing market were explored at a seminar held at the Italian Embassy and hosted by Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian Trade Commission during the 57th edition of the Summer Fancy Food Show
  • An 'end of the year' message by Italian Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata to all the Italians of America, reviewing a year full of satisfactions that have helped the relations between Italy and the United States to be stronger than ever before. 2010 was also an exceptional year for our language: having become more and more important in schools and universities, as of next September, Italian will once again be one of the Advanced Placement Program subjects.
  • Washington. Prof. Stefano Albertini, Director of Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò at NYU, met the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano on the occasion of a private encounter with a group of professors in important American universities. Here are his impressions and feelings... Stay tuned. For more on this important topic...