You chose: inserra chair montclair state university

You chose: inserra chair montclair state university

  • Join this Monday (October 16, 2017 - 6:30-8:30pm‌) Lecture Hall 101, Feliciano School of Business at Montclair State University. "Critical Made in Italy Part 3: Cinema" is the title of series, designed by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies in 2016 and inspired by a collection of essays edited by Daniele Balicco - Made in Italy and Culture.
  • Interview with Renato Miracco, art critic, Museum Curator and Cultural Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C. talks about Joseph Stella before his presentation titled “Stella and the Futurists: Italian Itineraries in the American Museums," as part of the panel discussion titled " Joseph Stella's Futurism between Italy and the U.S." sponsored and organized by the Inserra Chair.
  • Self Portrait.
    A panel discussion titled Joseph Stella’s Futurism between Italy and the U.S. was held at the Billy Johnson Auditorium of the Newark Museum to shed light on the personality and life work of Joseph Stella, Italian born, American Futurist painter (1877-1946).