Italian bishops may not necessarily read every detail of the bungabunga phone taps filling the newspapers, but they know full well that Premier Berlusconi faces a judiciary trial on April 6
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On February 10, at the Consulate General of Italy in New York, a reflection upon the tragedy of the Foibe and the exodus of the Giulian-Dalmatian population after World War II
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano refused to sign the bill on fiscal federalism, with comments that it was “unreceivable,” poorly drafted and generic. For Berlusconi the bill was a promise he had to keep, not least because Bossi, the head of the Northern League and the prime sponsor of federalism, is the beleaguered Premier’s sole remaining ally in government. To many, the rebuff showed that the government itself has come to a screeching halt
“A happy June 2 at all.” from Giorgio Napolitano “Italy integrates its unity, innovates, and becomes more modern and fair.”
Giorgio Napolitano's visit to the White House on May 25, 2010 strengthened the friendship and mutual sympathy between Barack Obama and our President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. However the Italian press found just a little space for some analysis and comments by eminent experts of international politics who expressed their opinions about the status of the relationship between United States and Italy during the Obama administration.
Facts & StoriesPresident Napolitano meets with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in his official visit to Washington DC. The event boosted Italy-US friendship and honored the Italian-American contribution to the social fabric of this country
May 25, 2010. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, a former Communist leader in his 80s, met Barack Obama the first African-American US President at the White House. Both stated that the meeting was held in the spirit of friendship, a friendship that in Napolitano’s own words “was expressed even in our handshake, in the deep exchange of our gazes”.
The President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, will visit Barack Obama on May 25 at the White House. The leader has been active in Italian politics for more than 60 years. Here are the major steps of his long and respectable career
Italy's political discourse today is particularly interesting to me as a foreign journalist, but also as a writer...
Riccardo Muti led a free concert in L'Aquila for survivors of the earthquake. The conductor, between engagements in Salzburg and Chicago, directed an all-Abruzzese scratch orchestra and chorus of three hundred, including students from the famed conservatory here, itself severely damaged