You chose: danilo rea

You chose: danilo rea

  • Umbria Jazz 2017 – Raffaele Casarano, Gaetano Curreri, Giuliano Sangiorgi, Gino Paoli, Vanessa Tagliabue Yorke
    Non poteva che essere affidata alle note virtuose e delicate di Danilo Rea l’apertura del concerto di omaggio a Luigi Tenco sul palco di Umbria Jazz. Un lungo viaggio, con un alternarsi di voci con timbri e grane a volte pastosi, intensi, struggenti, per lasciare spazio a quelli più pop, ma sempre contraddistinti da un unico legame, solo apparentemente distante, tra il jazz e la musica d’autore.
  • ♫ Louis Armstrong ♪ Mi Va Di Cantare (1968) ♫ Video & Audio Restored HD
    Art & Culture
    Enzo capua(April 22, 2014)
    Havoc at the idea of having Louis Armstrong at the Sanremo Italian Song Festival. On the one hand, a virtuoso who invented new ways of doing jazz, on the other, a cheerful, charming entertainer beloved by those who knew nothing about jazz through this doubleness has won him both adoration and scorn.
  • A four-day event in New York (May 5-8) to introduce Umbria’s attractions to the American public. The Italian musician, singer, and entertainer Renzo Arbore presented this year’s Umbria Jazz Festival at the Italian Cultural Institute. After the conference, a performance by the Italian pianist Danilo Rea. (i-Italy will interview Renzo Arbore! Stay Tuned!)