You chose: cardinale crescenzio sepe

You chose: cardinale crescenzio sepe

  • Filomena Maria Sardella and Luciano Testa
    The exhibit "Nativity in the World/ from Naples to New York" opens up at the Italian Cultural Institute. "The presepe is something new based upon tradition, something new which can create work force today" says the curator -Filomena Maria Sardella- who also stresses the message of hope embedded in this show. For Giuseppe Reale, Director of Museo Arci,"in a city and land so affected by individualism and fragmentation, the presepe, as a choral activity, which can help the reconstruction". The masterpieces of contemporary presepio art will be, along with older ones, on view until January 18. We met Luciano Testa, Master Artisan of the Presepe for the last 25 years