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La crisi economica non si combatte con le armi ne' con il terrorismo. Il terrorismo
accentuerebbe questa crisi e sarebbe il modo peggiore per affrontarla": lo ha detto il ministro della Giustizia Paola Severino a margine della sua visita alla borsa di New York.

New York, 16 mag. (TMNews) - "Ho trovato una grande atmosfera di calore verso l'italianità, una grande considerazione per l'Italia e per quello che stiamo facendo". Con queste parole il ministro della Giustizia Paola Severino, in visita negli Stati Uniti per una conferenza delle Nazioni Unite con i ministri di giustizia e degli affari esteri dei paesi dell'America centrale, ha raccontato ieri l'accoglienza ricevuta.

NEW YORK  - "Spesso si accomuna l'Italia ai Paesi più problematici in Europa. E invece non è così. L'economia italiana è per tradizione meno volatile di altre e non prevale la tendenza alle scommesse, al rischio. E' un Paese di cui si può fidare e su cui si può investire"

Seemingly endless legal delays such as in settling commercial disputes are estimated to cost up to one percentage point in Italian GDP growth - not that the economy is growing at all now - and the justice minister wants to tell hesitant investors that she is serious about solving the problem.

Maradona, who was a superstar for Napoli in the 80s and 90s, was hoping to clear his tax bill with the authorities so that he could return and visit the country without being pestered and offered to pay £2.8m to settle matters.

The ferocious storm that pounded the spectacular Italian Riviera cliff villages last October 25 made headlines for months because of the severe damage done to homes, shops, hiking trails, and lives. The five villages perched along the breathtaking Ligurian coastline, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a protected National Park, are Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso. The storm came close to destroying Monterosso and Vernazza.

An Italian anarchist group that has claimed responsibility for shooting the boss of a nuclear engineering firm threatened on Wednesday to target Prime Minister Mario Monti. The group, calling itself the Olga Nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front, said in a statement sent to a newspaper in southern Italy that Monti was among seven remaining targets after Roberto Adinolfi, boss of An

MILAN — An International Monetary Fund official on Wednesday said the eurozone’s third-largest economy is “on the right track” and has made notable progress in the six months since Premier Mario Monti took over.

Rome (CNN) -- The body of a mobster buried among cardinals and bishops on a Vatican property has been exhumed in an investigation into a teenage girl's disappearance. Investigators at the church of Sant'Apollinare in central Rome opened the tomb of Enrico "Renatino" De Pedis on Monday in the search for clues about what happened to Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a prominent Vatican employee.

Firemen were called in after one of the two petrol bombs landed on the doorsteps of the Equitalia building, police told Reuters. Nobody was hurt.

Public anger against Equitalia has been rising after a wave of highly publicized suicides by small businessmen in Italy, where the government of Mario Monti has increased taxes along with the retirement age to fight spiraling public debt.
