Focus::Daily News


Pope Benedict XVI called for greater Catholic unity in the United States on Friday.
"This commitment is necessary to combat dividing forces within the Church, which evermore pose a grave obstacle to its mission in the United States," the pontiff told American bishops visiting the Holy See. "Faithfulness to the gospel can be costly, but the Christian identity is to be defended with joy".

Italy's economy is under control and a stronger emphasis is needed on growth, both at the European and global level, Premier Mario Monti said Friday at the Group of Eight summit in Camp David. "I come to represent an Italy with its house in order," said Monti. "Italy calls for much more vigorous attention to European and global growth".

Sicilian Governor Raffaele Lombardo, who is facing charges of colluding with the Mafia, said Friday that he has resigned from the helm of the regional government.

The Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco, a wine producing area in the Umbria region of central Italy, launched a month-long promotional campaign throughout April to showcase its wines at a series of promotional and educational events in New York City for consumers and wine industry professionals.

Throughout the month of April, the Montefalco Consortium will highlight the wines of Montefalco with a variety of promotions and educational events throughout New York City.

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On March 27 ENIT offered an Italian style “Aperitivo,” an occasion for lovers of Italy to come together and better understand the culture and the lifestyle of the boot-shaped country, and to discover Italy's up-and-coming areas and hidden gems.

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On March 27 ENIT offered an Italian style “Aperitivo,” an occasion for lovers of Italy to come together and better understand the culture and the lifestyle of the boot-shaped country, and to discover Italy's up-and-coming areas and hidden gems.

On March 27 ENIT offered an Italian style "Aperitivo," an occasion for lovers of Italy to come together and better understand the culture and the lifestyle of the boot-shaped country, and to discover Italy's up-and-coming areas and hidden gems.

On March 27 ENIT offered an Italian style "Aperitivo," an occasion for lovers of Italy to come together and better understand the culture and the lifestyle of the boot-shaped country, and to discover Italy's up-and-coming areas and hidden gems. With Fred Plotkin, Natalia Quintavalle, Eugenio Magnani.

Italy Seen at its Margins:
Visual Culture and Social Exclusion Since 1861 Lecturer:David Forgacs, NYU.On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition. ITALY’S MARGINS: Social Exclusion in Photography and Film 1860-2010″
