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Following a successful European Union summit on the euro crisis, an emboldened Mario Monti told the Italian Senate Tuesday that he hoped to see greater political interaction with Europe during his full tenure as premier. "In a few months, by which I mean through the spring of 2013 while our government is still in power, we hope with ever more optimism to see more interaction between Italy and Europe," said the former EU commissioner, who took over a government of non-professional technocrats amid a peak in the debt crisis in November that forced Silvio Berlusconi out of office.

Four scuba divers drowned after a routine trip to a popular underwater cave system in southern Italy went horribly wrong over the weekend, according to the coast guard.The party of divers lost their way while trying to find the exit from the "Blood Grotto," a red-walled cave near the tourist port of Palinuro on Italy's southwest coast on Saturday.

Video Address of the Italian Consul General in New York, Natalia Quintavalle. On June 2, the Consulate General of Italy in New York, the Italian Trade Commission, the Italian Tourism Board, the Italian Cultural Institute and La Scuola d'Italia Guglielmo Marconi will host events throughout the day to celebrate Italy's National Day.

The Consulate General, ENIT, ITC, The Italian Cultural Institute and the Scuola d'Italia opened their doors to all. This year the birth of the Italian republic was celebrated, for twelve hours straight, in several events that welcomed Italians, Italian Americans and Americans alike. Among great art, music, theater, film design, food and wine guests honored the Italian Republic. The final surprise was a lighting show that illuminated the Consulate with the colors of our flag: white, red and green.

(ANSA) - Rome, June 29 - Roberto Saviano, the Italian journalist and writer known for exposing the Naples mafia, had an asteroid named after him on Friday. "Never in my life would I have expected to receive such incredible news," he said on Twitter.

(ANSA) - Brussels, June 29 - Italian Premier Mario Monti and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday hailed the success of a crunch European Union summit they said would help settle financial markets and stem the euro crisis.

European Union leaders surprised and impressed markets worldwide Friday by taking unexpectedly decisive action to boost confidence in the struggling euro common currency at a summit where little had been expected except impasse and discord.

Give Mario Monti credit. The Italian prime minister, almost universally described as “technocratic,” showed the negotiating skills of a master politician in the wee hours of Friday, Brussels time. In a marathon session that lasted until 4:30 a.m., Monti teamed up with the leaders of France and Spain to extract some important concessions from Europe’s biggest creditor nation, Germany. The agreement triggered the biggest rally of 2012 in Spanish bonds and in the value of the euro.

WARSAW — The final game of Euro 2012 cannot be a story where nice guys finish last. One of them, of course must finish second; the other will win. But after a long, torrid, and at times horrid month in which anti-soccer threatened to trump the Beautiful Game, two decent fellows — Spain’s Vicente Del Bosque and Italy’s Cesare Prandelli — will lead their teams out for the final in Kiev on Sunday.

It was Italy's night against the Germans, on and off the field. Premier Mario Monti and striker Mario Balotelli gave a much-needed boost to a country suffering for months under harsh austerity measures and embarrassed by a match-fixing scandal in its national sport in which dozens have been arrested.
