Focus::Daily News


Italian judges released the captain of the wrecked Costa Concordia cruise liner from house arrest Thursday, but ordered him not to leave his home town while the case against him continues, his lawyer said.

The Euro 2012 soccer championship ended last weekend with Spain's defeat of Italy. But many sportswriters singled out the second-place team as the tournament's unexpected surprise.

It seems like George Clooney and Stacy Keibler have been having a blast this summer in Italy. We've seen them boating, shopping and hanging out with friends near the actor's Lake Como house, but things didn't exactly go as planned this week for the couple and their friends

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti is trying to parlay his success last week in winning concessions from European partners to shore up the country’s debt and bolster efforts to revive the domestic economy.

Anyone who thinks people in New York City don’t know their neighbors has never spent any time with Carmella “Millie” Fazio. On the short walk from the Shrine Church of St. Anthony of Padua on  to her nearby apartment, practically everyone she passes greets her by name—from the mailmen and the laundry delivery guy to the young children just getting out of school for the day and the old-timers she’s known for nearly all of her 83 years. This is Millie’s neighborhood, and she makes one thing clear, “You ain’t moving me out!”

Two Italian art historians claim to have discovered as many as 100 works, most of them drawings, by a very young Caravaggio in a collection long attributed to a master Milanese artist he studied under while a boy in the late 1500s.

A government decree was approved Friday that slashes spending by 26 billion euros over the next three years and must now go before the House. 'The government decided to discard the easiest path of across-the-board cuts in order to go down a more complex road, but one that is structurally profitable, according to analysis of the spending structure,' said Italian Premier Mario Monti. The long-awaited spending review will cut 4.5 billion euros in 2012, 10.5 in 2013 and 11 in 2014.

Eleven years after Italian police savagely beat scores of protesters at the Genoa G8 meeting in 2001, leaving one British activist in a coma, an Italian court has upheld the convictions of senior officers for their roles in the raid.

Penitent and heated reactions from Italian leaders came tumbling forward Friday in the wake of a ruling by Italy's highest appeals court that effectively truncates a significant part of the top tier of Italy's national law enforcement for grievous misconduct in relation to police beatings at the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001.

The Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) is seeking to take advantage of the Azzurri's fine showing at Euro 2012 to create more space for the national team during the regular season. Azzurri boss Cesare Prandelli is trying to use an attractive, attack-orientated passing game but his ability to bring this in has been hampered to some degree by the relative lack of time he gets to spend with his players.
