Focus::Daily News


NEW YORK --Doubles partners and best friends Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci will meet in a U.S. Open quarterfinal in a career year for both.

VENICE — Most box office flops rarely even attain the status of film-history footnote. But “Heaven’s Gate,” the 1980 epic by Michael Cimino, became a legend. Its notoriously troubled production and disastrous premiere turned it into a punch line, a cautionary tale, a symbol of all that was wrong with the Hollywood system and its excesses.

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, a rare liberal within the highly conservative Catholic Church hierarchy who was nevertheless long considered a papal contender in the last conclave, died Friday. He was 85.

It had been rumoured that the 35-year-old forward would be joining Tuscan rivals Siena, but Fiorentina officials made a late swoop for their former player, who has signed a one-year deal."ACF Fiorentina have acquired the rights of Luca Toni. He returns to Fiorentina after five years," the club said on their website (

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry and wife Anita are leaving Tuesday for an eight-day trip to Italy to promote economic development and attend a Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix, his office announced Friday

The dispute, connected to the murder of anti-mafia magistrate Paolo Borsellino and his five-strong police escort in Palermo in July 1992, has unleashed a messy clash involving state institutions, politicians, judges and the media.

Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian premier, has taken a tumble at his villa along Sardinia’s posh Emerald Coast, injuring a shoulder and a wrist, his doctor said Friday.

State TV quoted Dr. Alberto Zangrillo as saying there was ‘‘nothing worrisome’’ about the 75-year-old media mogul’s condition after the fall Thursday on the grounds of Villa Certosa, near Porto Rotondo. The doctor did not elaborate and it was not clear what caused the fall.

 Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said President Giorgio Napolitano is the victim of “unacceptable insinuations in the press” regarding recordings made by prosecutors of phone calls with the head of state’s office. “We must oppose every attempt to destabilize the country,” Monti’s office said today in an e-mailed statement.  

 A Sardinian miner slashed his wrist in front of television cameras on Wednesday as some 100 fellow workers stayed barricaded underground in a campaign to keep Italy's only coal pit open.

"We cannot take it any more. We cannot! We cannot!" Stefano Meletti, 49, shouted to reporters in a dark chamber of the Carbosulcis mine, where miners armed with explosives have locked themselves in since Sunday night.


 Finale Emilia has its own remarkable Jewish history. Its local dish is “la torta degli ebrei,” or “pie of the Jews,” and the ancestors of some of the most prominent Italian Jewish families are buried in Finale Jewish cemetery, including Donato Donati, the 16th-century progenitor of the journalist Arrigo Levi, who has been communication advisor for two Presidents of Italy.

