Focus::Daily News


The first ever Etruscan pyramids have been located underneath a wine cellar in the city of Orvieto in central Italy, according to a team of U.S. and Italian archaeologists.

Rome: Italy's embassies and consulates worldwide are safe and being protected with "maximum vigilance" amid anger of Muslims over an anti-Islam film which has left at least 19 people dead, a minister said Tuesday.

Italy’s slow-moving judicial system and tough immigration policies raise “serious concerns” and affect the country’s economic growth, according to a report by Europe’s top human rights official.

 An Italian gossip magazine owned by former Premier Silvio Berlusconi plans to publish topless photos of Prince William's wife Kate, despite legal action against a French magazine that published the images first.

ROME – Organizers of the International Rome Film Festival announced Friday that Italian director and screenwriter Francesco Bruni will head the five-person jury that will pick the winner from the festival’s first Perspectives Italy sidebar.

Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Friday dashed supporters' hopes that he would at last announce his candidacy for coming elections and remove one element in Italy's chronic political uncertainty.

The head of the powerful employers lobby Confindustria on Thursday expressed concern about the uncertain outcome of an election next year and said he hoped the poll would not add to the problems of Italy's economy.

Italian carmaker Fiat SpA said on Thursday the group's product portfolio and investments in Italy needed to be the object of constant review to bring them into line with changing market trends."The European car market is in serious crisis and the Italian market has collapsed to 1970s levels. It is therefore impossible to refer to a project that was born two and a half years ago," Fiat said in a statement.

ROME — Court-appointed experts have squarely blamed the captain of a cruise ship that ran aground off Italy for the wreckage and deaths of 32 people, but they also faulted the crew and ship owner for a series of blunders, delays and safety breaches that contributed to the disaster.

The same Italian-American group that slammed “Jersey Shore" -- with the absolutely unintended consequence of bestowing an enormous amount of prelaunch publicity -- has now gone after that Nick TV movie adaptation of the book by former “Soprano” Steve Schirripa. The movie, “Nicky Deuce,” got a blast of publicity a couple weeks ago when much of the core cast of “The Sopranos” agreed to cameos.
