Focus::Daily News


The consumption of adequate amounts of extra-virgin olive oil helps prevent bowel cancer, new research has shown.

An Italian Canadian woman has returned a first-century AD terracotta roof decoration stolen from Pompeii during her honeymoon 50 years ago, carabinieri police said Thursday

Some 28.4% of people living in Italy - over one quarter of the resident population - were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2013, national statistics agency Istat said Thursday.

Italy’s web showcase made string of blunders. Director leaves over unpaid staff wages.

With scenic views, fine dining and spectacular history on offer, the readers of Condé Nast named the Il Salviatino in Fiesole-Florence, Italy the best hotel in Europe.

Foreigners in Italy are much happier with their lives than Italians, according to figures published on Tuesday by Istat, the national statistics agency.

A Roman villa’s wine cellar, which was converted into an air raid shelter for Benito Mussolini and the Italian dictator’s family, is opening its anti-gas, double steel doors to tourists.

The final will of Aurelia Sordi, sister of the late actor Alberto Sordi, was confirmed Thursday giving the entire estate to the foundation that is to manage a museum established in his name.

Emperor Nero's fabled Domus Aurea (Golden House) reopened Sunday after the latest in a string of closures to make it safe from collapse.

The number of deaths exceeded births in southern Italy in 2013, raising the spectre of a "demographic upheaval" with "unforeseeable consequences", the Association for the Industrial Development of Southern Italy (SVIMEZ) said in a report published Tuesday.
