Focus::Daily News


Italy's former president, Senator Giorgio Napolitano, left the Quirinale presidential palace after his resignation letter was delivered to the premier and the Speakers of both houses of parliament Wednesday as protocol demands, the president's office said in a statement

 Anita Ekberg, who became an international symbol of lush beauty and unbridled sensuality in the 1960 Federico Fellini film “La Dolce Vita,” died on Sunday in Rocca di Papa, southeast of Rome. She was 83. 

 The Italian ministry of culture on Thursday launched an international selection process for the appointment of directors for 20 of the country's top museums. The new managers will be in post on June 1. 

  Italian Muslims reiterated their condemnation of this weeks terror attacks in Paris.
    Leaders in the Muslim community of Rome, site of Europe's largest mosque, expressed unified condemnation of the killings, including Wednesday's attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in which 12 people were murdered. 

  Premier Matteo Renzi tweeted Friday that he will join President Francois Hollande in Paris on Sunday, when a rally in support of Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly will be held in the wake of a terrorist attack. 

 Italian unemployment unexpectedly rose to a record high that’s more than double the German rate, keeping alive concerns about the diverging growth outlook in the euro area 

 She turned 90 on Dec. 4, 2014, and has no plans to slow down. She says that she loves her job at Trattoria dell'Autotreno in Bologna, where she also embroiders the napkins. 

Italian director and screenwriter Francesco Rosi, whose films took on corruption in postwar Italy, winning top honors at the Venice and Cannes film festivals, has died. He was 92.

In the lovely summer of 1981, while travelling through my beloved territories in Italy, my free compass after visiting the Umbria Jazz Festival took me to Sardegna. There, in a 'campeggio libero' at at beach near Santa Lucia, I met a free-spirited group of people from Naples. As with meeting any Napolitan, we became immediately close friends, cooking together, and enjoying the sun.

Mario M. Cuomo, the three-term governor of New York who commanded the attention of the country with a compelling public presence, a forceful defense of liberalism and his exhaustive ruminations about whether to run for president, died at home in Manhattan on Thursday, according to a family friend. He was 82.
