Colors Between Heaven and Earth

Colors Between Heaven and Earth

Nicole Campisano (May 07, 2018)
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San Francisco’s Museo Italo Americano presents “Colori tra Cielo e Terra– Colors Between Heaven and Earth: The Four Seasons and other Vivaldian Inspirations” by Angela Sepe Novara. This exhibit opens May, 10 and will end September, 2.

“Colori tra Cielo e Terra– Colors Between Heaven and Earth: The Four Seasons and other Vivaldian Inspirations” is a bright and dynamic exhibition featuring the works of Italian artist Angela Sepe Novara.  This exhibit, presented by San Francisco’s Museo Italo Americano, was co-sponsored by the Regione Piemonte Department of Culture and Tourism, and was previously featured at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

Abstract Creations

Angela Sepe Novara is an abstract painter from Turin, Italy. She creates “artistic jewels” with her works that are inspired by nature and classical music.  The museum explains that her paintings are “focused on dissolving and recomposing the image, isolation of the fragment, visual poetry, and installation.” Angela’s abstract expressionism is meaningful, yet captivating, and is sure to be admired by viewers.

On the opening of the exhibit, May, 10, there will be a reception held at the Fort Mason Center.  Angela will be there as this occasion is her first exhibit in the United States.  Other special guests in attendance are Lorenzo Ortona, Consul General of Italy in San Francisco, and Paolo Barlera, director of the Italian Cultural Institute. Wine and antipasti will be served at this free event starting at 5:30.

More on the Artist…

Angela is a celebrated artist from the Piedmont region.  She studied art throughout her life, and now works with companies and institutions to create advertisements and art for special events.  In addition to being a painter, she is a poet.  She writes in her spare time, and also uses poetry as captions for her works.  Angela’s accomplishments vary, but her most recent was the opportunity to present her work at the 54th Venice Biennale which was curated by Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi.

For more information on the exhibit, click here >>>

For more information on the opening reception, click here >>>

For more information on the artist, click here >>>






on Angela Sepe Novara (not verified) wrote

Colori tra cielo e terra...mostra al Museo Italo Americano di S.

Thank you very much, per la segnalazione, :-)