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  • Facts & Stories
    Jerry Krase(November 04, 2009)
    As one looks closely at the behavior and battles of Bloomberg and Berlusconi it seems that, besides being big buck billionaires, they have a great deal more in common than lots of money.
  • On the occasion of the Italian Culture and Heritage Month, the Province of Palermo represented by its President Giovanni Avanti paid its tribute to the Italian-American policeman Joe Petrosino by organizing the exhibit “Joe Petrosino, a 20th Century Hero. A documented account of his assassination in Palermo”, on view at the Calandra Italian American Institute. During the inauguration, Anna Maria Corradini presented her book “Documenta Joe Petrosino”, available for free for all of those who will visit the display. At the end of the event, the Consul General Francesco Maria Talò gave the title of “Knight of the Italian Republic” to Cosimo Sanicola, a native of the town of Marineo (Sicily) who moved to the United States at the age of 13
  • “The Italian-Americans are so far removed in time, space and attitude from their heritage that they could safely drop the hyphenate form. They are Americans, period, [although] somewhat confused and confusing ethnic pride.” VESPERS by Ed McBain (AKA Salvatore Albert Lombino)
  • A society that pays to be protected is a society without dignity; this is the motto of "Addio Pizzo," a volontary and spontaneous movement that fights against Mafia extortion. We interviewed Francesco Bertolino, the former president of the association
  • Interviste: Don Ciotti
    Interview with Don Luigi Ciotti, Founder and President of "Libera", a network of more than 1,200 associations born on 25 March 1995 with the purpose of involving and supporting all those who are interested in the fight against mafias and organized crime. The law on the social use of the real estate confiscated from organized crime, the education on democratic lawfulness, the fight against corruption, the camps for antimafia education, the projects on work, development and anti-usury activities, are some of Libera's concrete commitments
  • Interviste: Pietro Grasso
    Antimafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso visits New York to celebrate the anniversary of Petrosino's death and present his book "Per non morire di Mafia" (As to not be killed by the Mafia), based on an interview with Alberto La Volpe to promote legality
  • "The perverse logic of a political system which appears still uneven and far from genuine democracy, still is a great obstacle to the generous attempts for eradicating the Mafia and its complicity. Even today, like yesterday, the situation needs to be constantly controlled"
  • Italian and American law enforcement officials, activists and lawyers brought home the reality of antimafia activities in Italy and in America at a recent conference at John Jay College in Manhattan. The occasion, celebrating the life of Joe Petrosino - an Italian emigrant and NYPD lieutenant - and the dedication of a park to him, was a reminder of how much has been done and how much still remains in the ongoing war against the Mafia.
