9/11, Ten Years Later. Next Sunday on Facebook

9/11, Ten Years Later. Next Sunday on Facebook

(September 09, 2011)
Next September 11, we will be observing a minute of Silence. On our Facebook page, we have created an event to publicize our initiative taking place at 10:30 sharp, Eastern time. More than one thousand people will be attending, and the number grows by the minute. You are welcome to attend too. Please join us now!

These days, all around the world, people are reminiscing about that tragic Tuesday that changed forever the lives of thousands of people. Everybody is talking, writing and tweeting about it.


Next Sunday, each newspaper will be out with an issue dedicating space to the anniversary, each TV show will feature an expert’s opinion, archive clips of the attack, images of fear and despair in a wounded, unrecognizable New York City.


The way i-Italy decided to commemorate 9/11 takes a different direction.  Less talk, more time to think.


Next September 11, we will be observing a minute of Silence. We will be taking back a minute of quietude from that day, ten years ago, when after 10:30 AM EST minutes could not be quiet or peaceful anymore, and the passing time became scary, sorrowful, and fatal for many.

We’ll be taking a minute of time for ourselves, a minute of time to remember and to analyze. Time to dedicate a prayer to the victims, time to be thankful for our safety today, time to wish that the world will not be witnessing anything similar to what we all could see or watch, wherever we were, as it happened, in a state of helplessness and dismay.


On our Facebook page, we have created an event to publicize our initiative taking place at 10:30 sharp, EST time, and we are inviting you to join us, from wherever you are going to be, for a silence that will be as loud as numerous we are going to be.


One thousand people will be attending, and the number grows by the minute. You are welcome to attend too. Please join us now at:  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=253234868042914



