Abruzzo Quake. Italian Americans Move to Aid

(April 07, 2009)
Italian-American and Italian institutions, organizations and associations in the United States are mobilizing to offer concrete support to the survivors of the earthquake that hit the Abruzzo Region last Monday. Find out how you can contribute to this cause

The following is a list of public and private entities involved in the relief effort, beginning with those located in the North-Eastern Region of the United States. All interested parties in the U.S. are invited to send us their data and relevant information. We shall update this list daily in consultation with the Consulate General of Italy in New York.

OSIA-Sons of Italy Foundation, L’Aquila Earthquake Relief Fund:

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) has created an Emergency Relief Fund to aid the victims of the devastating earthquake. The SIF will be working directly with the Embassy of Italy to direct funds to emergency relief and recovery as requested by the Italian Government. To support relief efforts, please make a donation to the SIF’s L’Aquila Earthquake Relief Fund. Donations may be made online, by mail, or by calling the SIF National Office at 202.547.2900

Donate Online Now: The Quickest Way to Make an Impact

(Donations made online will be acknowledged by email)

To make a donation by mail, please make checks payable to the Sons of Italy Foundation,

earmarked L'Aquila Earthquake Relief, and send to:
The Sons of Italy Foundation

219 E Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

For more information, please contact:

Giovanni Fratta, Tel: (718) 892 – 6262 /(646) 261 – 8614
or visit OSIA'S website


New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc, Italian Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund:  As in past crises, the New York Grand Lodge, Order Sons of Italy in America will be accepting monetary contributions to assist Italians in a time of great need. Send all donation checks to the New York Grand Lodge, 2101 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710. All checks must be made payable to the NY Grand Lodge Foundation... earmarked Italian Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. These funds will be forwarded to the appropriate international relief authorities in Italy.

For more information, please call the Grand Lodge Office at 516-785-4623.


CONTACT: Kathleen Gallagher, executive assistant, IHS, Tel. 914-776-2778



 Bank Accounts Activated by the Regione Abruzzo and the National Emergency Services: The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has forwarded the details of three bank accounts activated by the Regione Abruzzo and the Protezione Civile (National Emergency Services), to be provided to those whowish to make a donation in favour of the people affected by the earthquake in Abruzzo. The donation can be made in the form of a direct bank deposit. 

 The following organizations are also organizing fundraising events and initiatives. For more info please contact the persons of reference:

Associazione Siciliani Uniti di New York
Person of reference: Giuseppe Maggiore

Tel: (718) 256 – 1486 / (917) 755 – 3705

Columbian Lawyers Association

Person of reference: Louis Aidala

Tel: (212) 750 – 9700

Email: Iraidala@aol.com

Federazione Associazioni Italiane di Brooklyn
Person of reference: Mr. Spatola/Mairilena Caruso

Tel: (718)204-2444

FIAO of Queens

Person of reference: Angie Markham, Joseph Di Pietro, Jerry Iannece

Tel: (718)204-2444

National Council Columbia Association in Civil Service

Person of reference: Joseph Guagliardo

Email: guagliardo@optonline.net

National Federation of Italian-American Societies, Inc.
Person of reference: Arnaldo A. Ferraro

Email: arnaldofer@msn.com

New York Blood Center

Person of Reference: Maria S. Albano

Email: sualba@hotmail.com

New York Fire Dept.

Person of reference: Vincent A. Tummino

Tel: (917)757-6022

New York Police Department
Person of reference: Emanuele Rossi

Tel: (718) 292 – 5853

Diocese of Brooklyn

Person of reference: Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio

Person of reference: Aileen Sirey

Tel: (914)393-4142

Italian Academy Foundation, Inc.
Person of reference: Acunto Steve, Vice Consul Onorario

Tel: (914)966-3180 ext. 135

Email: sa@cinn.com

Italian-American Caucus of the City Council of New York

Person of reference: Avella Tony, member of the City Council of Queens, New York

Tel: (718)747-2137






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