Focus::Daily News


AFP. Afghan security forces were on Sunday questioning nine medical workers, including three Italians, after what officials said was a plot to kill a provincial governor.

The men were detained on Saturday after suicide vests, home-made bombs, guns and ammunition were found in a storeroom at a hospital in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, run by the Italian charity Emergency. (Read the Article)

World Net Daily. The long-awaited public exhibit of the Shroud of Turin, considered by many to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus, has opened in Turin, Italy, and as many as two million pilgrims are expected to look at the bloodstained cloth.

It's on display for the first time this third millennium – and for the first time in 12 years – and it is the first public unveiling since a 2002 restoration removed the 30 patches sewn into the cloth in 1534 when the Poor Clare nuns repaired the damage from a 1532 fire that nearly destroyed the artifact.(Read the Article)

New York Times. An Italian judge convicted three Google employees in February of violating privacy laws because the Internet company had sought to profit from a video of an autistic boy being bullied by classmates, according to a judicial reasoning in the case released on Monday.That verdict was the first to hold the company’s employees criminally responsible for content posted on its system. It prompted outrage on the part of the American ambassador to Italy and widespread accusations that the Italian judiciary was trying to muzzle a free Internet. (Read the Article)

 On Wednesday, April 7, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz hosted the Gravesend-based Enrico Caruso Museum of America at a Borough Hall press conference updating the Museum’s search for a new and larger location, as well as the creation of an international competition for aspiring opera singers through the new Enrico Caruso Foundation.

The Enrico Caruso Museum is in need of a new home,” said BP Markowitz, “and it would be a shame if that home weren’t located right here in Brooklyn, U.S.A. After all, Brooklyn has always been the Italian Capital of the United States. Brooklyn is also the Creative Capital of America, and we believe in treating artists with the respect they deserve", said Markowitz

THE INDEPENDENT. The Turin Shroud captivates the faithful, intrigues even the sceptical – and earns the Catholic Church a fortune. What is it about this ancient relic that makes it so special? Michael Day reports from Italy on this spring's real blockbuster exhibition. (Read the article)

ANSA. An array of colourful and deadly-looking helmets, swords, daggers and shields has gone on display at the Colosseum, bringing to life the gladiatorial games of ancient times. The exhibition features around 30 gladiatorial artefacts unearthed at the archaeological site of Pompeii but the focus will be on helping visitors understand what the arena and its fighters really looked like 2,000 years ago.  (Read the article)

TIMES ON LINE. A message from Silvio Berlusconi, the Prime Minister, to survivors of the Abruzzo earthquake was greeted with whistles of protest as the first anniversary of the tragedy was marked by a candelit nighttime procession through the deserted streets of L'Aquila, many still strewn with rubble. (Read the article)

ANSA. An offer from a Brindisi shipbuilder to produce fiberglass gondolas for this lagoon city has been flatly rejected by the city agency responsible for the sector, the Nuova Venezia daily reported on Wednesday.  (Read the article)

ANSA. Bialetti, the company which for 77 years has been producing the Moka EXpress, Italy's most recognisable coffee-maker, is closing up shop in Italy and heading to Eastern Europe. (Read the article)

Brooklyneagle. CARROLL GARDENS . On Friday, April 2, beginning at 7 p.m., Italian-American Catholics from the tri-state area will return home to Brooklyn’s oldest Italian Parish, Sacred Hearts and St. Stephen Church, 125 Summit St., to solemnly process through the streets of Carroll Gardens marking the holy day of Good Friday. Last year, the society launched its own website in order to reach out to the many new residents of Carroll Gardens.   (Read the article)
