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The American poet Ezra Pound might seem a strange sort of inspiration for a group of Italian neo-fascists. That is, until one remembers that Pound was an admirer of Benito Mussolini, a defender of Adolf Hitler and, that while living in Italy during World War II, he broadcast a series of anti-Semitic radio addresses calling for American neutrality.


Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, a past president of Italy who held the post during the sweeping corruption scandal of the early 1990s that reshaped the country’s post-war political landscape, died Sunday in Rome. He was 93.

The Benetton family is studying the possibility of delisting its fashion group and may decide to buy back shares it does not own, the family's holding company, Edizione S.r.l., announced in a statement on Tuesday.

The Italian Senate followed the Lower House's lead on Tuesday by cutting the gross salaries of its parliamentarians by 13%, although the politicians will not actually take home any less money.

As Italy’s new government scrambles to stave off economic disaster, the budget cuts it has imposed are rippling through Italian institutions in New York City, slicing into paychecks and prompting plans to shut down a venerable state-owned television operation.

I nomi di tutti i cittadini ebrei deportati nei campi di sterminio dall'Italia e dai territori italiani, circa 8mila, sono stati letti davanti alla sede del Consolato Generale d'Italia di New York in una cerimonia organizzata stamane in occasione della Giornata della Memoria. Alla lettura, dalle 9 del mattino alle 15, hanno partecipato personalità e semplici cittadini. 

Nel 2000 l’Unione europea ha scelto il 27 gennaio (giorno in cui nel 1945 l’esercito sovietico liberò Auschwitz) come Giorno della Memoria per commemorare le vittime della Shoah e promuovere la lotta contro il razzismo e la discriminazione.

Il Consolato d'Italia a New York ha commemorato le vittime dell'Olocausto con la lettura della lista dei nomi di cittadini ebrei deportati nei campi di sterminio nazisti dall'Italia e dai territori italiani.

The number of Italian citizens dropped below 56 million in 2011 as the arrival of migrants kept the overall population growing, a report from the national statistics office ISTAT said Friday. Approximately 65,000 fewer people could call themselves Italian in 2011 than in 2010. 

ANSA. Italy joined nations around the world on Friday in ceremonies commemorating the millions of victims and some heroes of the Holocaust. International Holocaust Day, which was approved at the United Nations in 2005, is being marked by numerous events in Italy. (Read the article)
