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Ambassador David Thorne experienced the first day’s racing at the America’s Cup World Series Naples today, watching the two races up close from the support boat of America’s Cup champion ORACLE Racing.“I would like to express my gratitude to the America’s Cup organizers and the beautiful city of Naples for hosting this prestigious event. It is a great honor to see this exciting racing, so I also sincerely thank Oracle for this opportunity. My grandfather sailed an America’s Cup defender many years ago, so sailing is in my blood,” said Ambassador Thorne.His family connection is with the yacht Whirlwind, a trialist for the defense of the America’s Cup in 1934. ORACLE Racing is the official defense team for the 2013 America’s Cup in San Francisco.

It was the mob’s version of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” Testimony in a Brooklyn Mafia trial turned Tuesday from retribution to renovation as the jury was walked through the “dungeon” where two Colombo wiseguys were allegedly whacked.

Anthony, Frankie, Giovanni, Chip and Peter – the young men TLC introduces on Monday night are not identified by their full names onscreen. But even without knowing their surnames (and even if "Giovanni" didn't tip you off), you'd know the ethnicity of these longtime friends. The flag of Italy flutters in the breeze. Songs like "Mambo Italiano" and "Tarantella" blare. Pasta prevails.

Washington, April 10 - Premier Mario Monti, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne are three Italians among the candidates for Time magazine's annual person-of-the-year cover.

Roma, April 11 - Cold weather returned throughout Italy on Wednesday as temperatures plunged and meteorologists predicted 10 days of unstable springtime weather with storms and winter-like conditions.

Bari, April 11 - A key figure in the Italian left-wing opposition, Puglia Governor Nichi Vendola, announced Wednesday that he is under investigation for alleged abuse of office in the appointment of a local chief of surgeons. Vendola said at an emergency press conference that he was "not at all worried" by allegations that he unlawfully appointed Paolo Sardelli chief surgeon at Bari's San Paolo hospital.

An Italian-American leader already unhappy about the arrival of VH1’s “Mob Wives Chicago” said any business that participates in the reality show should expect protests.

But the owner of an Elmwood Park restaurant who’s drawing criticism for allowing the show to shoot at his place last month has one bit of advice for Louis Rago and the Italian-American Human Relations Foundation of Chicago

For starters, no embarrassment. The important thing is that you're going. Italy is great for travelers. For seconders, those places you mentioned are pretty damn touristy. But for good reason: They're amazing. I've been going to Italy since before I could walk, and even the tourist-filled spots have their charms.

ROME — A European committee on corruption has found serious problems with the way Italian political parties manage their money and is recommending independent audits and better internal controls.

A distanza di tre quarti di secolo dalla nascita nel villaggio di Sant'Elia a Pianisi nel Molise, l'azienda Colavita ha inaugurato ieri a Edison nel New Jersey una nuova struttura alla presenza di un folto pubblico e autorità. Il sindaco della città di Edison, Antonia Ricigliano, ha consegnato alla famiglia Colavita una proclamation in cui viene dichiarato il 30 marzo "Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day", prima del taglio del nastro inaugurale alla presenza del console generale Natalia Quintavalle e del console di Newark Andrea Barbaria.
