Focus::Daily News


Italian police have arrested a 68-year-old man accused of carrying out a a bomb attack outside a school in Brindisi on May 19 that killed one student and wounded several others.

ROME, June 7 (Reuters) - Gerry Scotti is a reassuringly cheerful television presenter, well known in Italy for advertising a popular brand of rice, but it is a measure of the turmoil in the political system that he was recently also seen as a potential prime minister.

OSWIECIM, Poland - The Italy and Netherlands teams took breaks from their European Championship preparations Wednesday to make solemn and emotional visits to the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps.


(Reuters) - Recent earthquakes in northern Italy have severely damaged some 2,000 farms and inflicted losses amounting to 705 million euros, agricultural lobby group Coldiretti said on Wednesday, lifting previous damage estimates by over 200 million euros.

NEW YORK — The works of Massimo and Lella Vignelli, the famed Italian husband-and-wife, design-and-architectural modernist duo, are the subject of a small but stunning exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute on the Upper East Side.

At theItalian Cultural Institute of New York, “Timelessness,” a tiny, tantalizing exhibition of works by the designers Lella and Massimo Vignelli, opens today and runs through July 15.

(AGI) Milan - The Italian subsidiary of Bombardier was awarded the contract to supply 300 new carriages for the New York Subway System. The company said in a press release that the contract is worth 482 million euro.

PARIS — Sara Errani of Italy reached her first Grand Slam semifinal with her first career victory against a top-10 player, eliminating 10th-seeded Angelique Kerber of Germany 6-3, 7-6 (2) at the French Open on Tuesday.

(Reuters) - Italian prosecutors have probed Standard & Poor's headquarters in New York for alleged market manipulation in a investigation over the credit-rating agency's downgrades of Italy, a legal source said on Tuesday.

Call him a comedian, a clown or a showman but Beppe Grillo is the juiciest piece of Italian political news for a while. Prime Minister Mario Monti, handpicked by President Giorgio Napolitano, is supported – more or less – by the three main parties and has focused his efforts on preventing Italy’s public finances from going Greek. But Professor Monti has not submitted himself to the voters. Mr Grillo has.
