Focus::Daily News


 Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday ruled out forging a post-election alliance with outgoing Premier Mario Monti. "Monti will be a flash in the pan of Italian politics. For our part we do not see any possibility of collaborating with him" or others from the centrist bloc, he said. Last week Monti said his centrist reform coalition might make a post-election deal with Berlusconi's People of Freedom (PdL) party, but only without Berlusconi. 

 The ghost of Benito Mussolini, Italy's 20th Century Fascist dictator and Duce, dead and gone now for almost 70 years, is still stalking the country's politics.Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who is actively campaigning for re-election in next month's general election, set off a chorus of outrage this week. 

 Italy striker Mario Balotelli landed in Milan to finalize his move from Manchester City to AC Milan on Wednesday.Milan announced on Tuesday that it reached an agreement with City and that Balotelli would sign a 4 ½-year deal following a medical exam.


 The director of the Vatican Museum has warned that Italy's cultural heritage is "vanishing" after prosecutors in Naples said two more people had been arrested on suspicion of taking part in a "premeditated, organised and brutal" sacking of the city's 16th century Girolamini library. 

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the story of Lotte and Mario, and what happened to the guests of an Italian hotel when the Nazis came to stay.

Of the many people who walk past 542 Hamilton Street in Allentown, few would give a second glance to the Victorian era building that was once the home of the Empire Beauty School, except for those who might look up in a spare moment and wonder about the nude sculpture of a woman in the upper window.

In a country where presentation is primary, a uniform is not simply clothing. In Italy, the fabric, color and line are often equally as important as the job itself.

Despite the government’s best efforts, tax evasion remains something of a pastime in Italy, where, famously, more than a few of the Ferrari-driving set claim impoverishment when it comes to declaring their incomes. 

Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy praised the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini for having been a good leader in many respects, despite his responsibility for anti-Jewish laws, immediately prompting expressions of outrage on Sunday as Europeans held Holocaust remembrances. 

The neighborhood of Belmont in the Bronx is well known for its Little Italy, an area that lures shoppers and diners to its Italian food markets and restaurants, many of which have been run by the same families for generations.

