Focus::Daily News


Italy’s deadlocked political forces are back at the bargaining table for a new round of talks after their failure earlier this month to form a government.

Technicians worked near the sunken Costa Concordia cruise-liner Wednesday morning to begin removal of the wreckage from its spot on the Tuscan coast.

Italian officials on Tuesday broadened their investigation into whether the Japanese investment bank Nomura had helped hide losses at the troubled lender Monte dei Paschi di Siena by ordering the police to seize assets worth $2.35 billion.

Following the terror attacks Monday at the Boston Marathon, Naples police said they see no need to beef up security coverage for the America's Cup World Series regattas, being held in the southern Italian city from Tuesday to Sunday.

The American embassy, consulates and various U.S. institutions in Italy were under heightened security Tuesday following explosions that killed three people near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday. Police forces were called to guard American university campuses, and travel hubs such as Rome's major international airport Fiumicino upped security checks. Special attention was being paid to flights considered "at risk or sensitive," authorities said, namely on American or Israeli carriers.

A raft of arrests Tuesday shed new light on the murder of Giovanni Falcone but also raised fresh calls for the missing piece of the jigsaw, the possible role of people outside Cosa Nostra hostile to the anti-Mafia prosecutor and his fellow martyr Paolo Borsellino, to be found.

Italy's anti-establishment 5-Star Movement chose a television journalist as its candidate for president on Tuesday and hinted it could co-operate with center left if she were elected.Choosing a successor to President Giorgio Napolitano, whose term ends on May 15, is a vital step toward resolving the stalemate created by an inconclusive general election in February that left no party able to form a government.

The Italian authorities said Tuesday that they had frozen assets worth €1.8 billion belonging to the Japanese investment bank Nomura in connection with an inquiry into whether it helped the Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena hide huge losses from regulators and shareholders.

Law enforcement and Congressional sources told ABC News today there is a leading theory that at least one of the bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon Monday may have been packed into a pressure cooker, a tactic found in rudimentary bomb-making instructions widely available online.

 Environmental activism — like any other attempt at social change — is a slog. Victories are often tempered by setbacks and even the most clear cut wins can seem provisional. As David Brower, the founder of Earth Island Journal, famously said, speaking about how environmental defense is a constant struggle: “All of our victories are temporary, and all of our defeats are permanent.” The effort for sustainability will always be a work in progress. 
