Focus::Daily News


Germany’s Families Minister, Manuela Schwesig described Mr Berlusconi’s remarks as “unspeakable attacks” and other leading politicians called on Chancellor Angela Merkel to publicly condemn the former Italian leader’s comments.

Tap water in ancient Rome, provided by its famous aqueducts, was contaminated with up to 100 times more lead than local spring water, researchers say.

Rome, April 25 - Italy on Friday said it will back new targeted sanctions against Russia. "Always while remaining within the ambit of the so-called phase two, that is targeted sanctions," said Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini after speaking with US Secretary of State John Kerry, citing the "worsening situation" in the crisis in Ukraine.

Vatican City, April 22 - Pope Francis may try to bring peace to conflict zones "with his presence, even in an impromptu way," Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin says in a new book.

Andrea Barina, the owner of a no-frills restaurant on the Giudecca canal, serves up mouth-watering plates of seafood antipasti and exquisitely fresh fish to a loyal clientele.

ROME – Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Italy’s third-largest bank, plans to offer investors as much as 5 billion euros, or $6.9 billion, in new stock as it fights to avoid nationalization and braces for stress tests of its balance sheet by European regulators, the lender announced on Friday.

Rome, April 21 - With the effects of the economic crisis still being felt, Italians reduced their spending on food and travel this Easter, according to data released Monday.

Pope Francis has urged the international community to work for peace in Ukraine and called on warring sides in Syria to negotiate a "long overdue peace" in his Easter Sunday message.

Fashion house Giorgio Armani has paid €270m (£222m) to Italian tax authorities to settle a dispute over payments from the group's subsidiaries abroad.

Rome, April 18 - Premier Matteo Renzi on Friday confirmed a 10-billion euro income-tax cut for lower-income earners, funded in part through permanent spending reductions to defence, while insisting that health-care budgets would not be touched.
