Ideas. Where to Stay and Eat in Gargano

Ideas. Where to Stay and Eat in Gargano

I. I. (July 21, 2016)
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For some years now, Gargano has striven to become a superior tourist destination. Its historical centers have been restored, giving rise to popular hotels and unique B&Bs. Talented chefs have introduced a cuisine that blends tradition with innovation, and small restaurants are opening or being renovated on every street corner. Finally, handicraft is being reintroduced with all the charm it once had. Here we propose just a few places to stay and eat that will get your mouth watering.

Where to Stay: Relax and Enjoy

B&B Casanita

Via Simone Vestano 16

Vieste (Foggia)

◗ www.bbcasanita.com

On the rugged coast-line of Vieste, with white walls overlooking the sea and lush greenery, you will find some of the most popular tourist properties in Gargano. Not far from the lively historical center, situated right in front of the Castello di Federico II, there is a B&B with only four rooms and two spacious terraces, from which you can enjoy spectacular views. B&B Casanita will provide a rare experience due to the particular attention it has paid to conserving the typical architectural characteristics of the town.

Zia Nì

Localita Valle Sant’Elia

Peschici (Foggia)

◗ www.ziani.it

Mario and his wife, Lynse, are the owners of the Zia Nì B&B, a countryside villa with four contemporary-style rooms. Located amongst six hectares of olive groves and orchards, Zia Nì features a charming swimming pool surrounded by olive trees and a splendid view of the Foresta Umbra, the thousand-year old oasis in the heart of the Gargano National Park. Here, luxury is combined with a respect for the neighboring nature.

Locanda della Castellana

Località Valle Castellana

Peschici (Foggia)

◗ www.lalocandadellacastellana.it

With its little white houses, Peschici is best discovered by taking your time; wandering through the narrow streets and stopping to admire panoramic views. We recommend visiting La Locanda della Castellana, just a little over half a mile from the town center; fifteen apartments with all the necessary comforts, a small but well-equipped fitness center and a restaurant. The cuisine is authentically Pugliese with local products collected by Signor Mario.

Where To Eat

Trabucco: a gastronomic experience not to be missed

The ‘trabucco’ is an ancient construction designed for fishing, typical of our coasts. Its name derives from the Latin, “Trabs-Trabis”, or rather beam or timber. Indeed, the trabucco is built entirely with wooden beams supported by steel tie-rods. We suggest that you visit these two:


Trabucco di Monte Pucci

Località Montepucci

Peschici (Foggia)

◗ www.trabuccodimontepucci.com

The restaurant opened in 1970 when Biagio Fasanella – a grandfather – would spend his days on the trabucco with his family, and then began to grill the fish he caught to allow passers-by to sample. The outdoor room, mounted on the beams of the trabucco, is surrounded by the sea and offers a charming view of Peschichi to the east with Calenella and Rodi Garganico to the west. The indoor room, more sheltered and ideal for cool evenings, looks out to the west in the direction of Rodi and is set on the smaller trabucco, offering clients marvelous ocean sunsets.


Al Trabucco Jazz da Mimì

Localitá Punta San Nicola

Peschici (Foggia)

◗ www.altrabucco.it

Before becoming chefs, the Ottaviano family were master carpenters, one of the oldest families of trabucco builders in the entire Gargano promontory. Today they own a restaurant nestled on the rocky cliffs of San Nicola, just over a mile from the white town of Peschici. The outdoor patios are made from the beams of old trabucchi, poles that have held through winter storms and logs that are contorted and sculptured. It is further decorated with buoys, fish traps and nets, while the interior room resembles a small sea museum – filled with memorabilia, old tools and photos of successful catches. We particularly recommend visiting in the evening, when you will almost certainly have the fortune of dining with music, since this is also the home of Trabucco Jazz Live.





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