Articles by: Rosanna Di michele

Articles by: Rosanna Di michele

  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    LA RICETTA. March 19th, St. Joseph Day. It is Time for Zeppole!

    This fried choux pastry is traditionally prepared on March 19th,  St. Joseph Day (la festa di San Giuseppe), also Father's Day in Italy.  And Rosanna is ready for you with her recipe!

    Recipe for 20 Zeppole Ingredients: Cold water (2 cups) Margarine or butter (125g / 5 oz) Wheat flour (250g / 8 oz) Eggs (6 whole) Baking powder (1/2 packet) Pinch of salt.

    Ingredients for the cream: Milk (2 cups) Egg yolks (3) Sugar (100 g / 1/2 cup) Wheat flour (50g / 1/4 cup) Vanilla extract 1/2 tablespoon

    Preparation of Zeppole:

    -Pour the water into a pan, add the salt and margarine (or butter).

    -Bring to a boil, then add the flour and sprinkle in the baking powder.

    -Mix with a wooden spoon until it takes a round shape, forms a sort of ball.

    -Let the mixture sit in a bowl for 10 minutes.

    -Add eggs (2 at a time) and mix with an electric mixer for about 10 minutes.

    -Prepare a baking sheet and cover it with wax paper.

    -Use a pastry bag with spout to form rings layering them on top of each other directly on the baking sheet.

    -Place in a 350 deg preheated oven (it's very important that the oven is hot) for 25 minutes.

    Preparation of the filling:

    -Boil the milk in a saucepan.

    -In another deep pan, off the heat, place the egg yolks, sugar and stir with a wooden spoon to achieve a soft texture.

    -Add the flour and continue stirring.

    -Add the boiling milk to the mixture, pouring it a little time, and mix everything together on low heat for 5 minutes.

    -Pour the ready cream into a bowl and add the vanilla stirring occasionally.

    -Once the zeppole are baked, let them cool and cut them in half, horizontally and fill with cream.

    -Dust with powdered sugar and serve.

    Buon appetito Rosanna More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>


  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    Sweet Dough Balls Like Chestnuts for Your Italian Carnival

    Let's cook these sweet dough balls, delicious Italian sweet, soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside. It is one of the most traditional recipe during Carnival time!


    Ingredients (4-6 servings):

    Flour (400g) Sugar (100g) Butter (100g), Eggs (4), Baking powder (1 packet) Vanilla extract (1 tsp) Grated rind of one lemon Orange liqueur  (1/4 cup)  Powdered sugar - enough to roll the castagnole in 



    -In a bowl combine: flour, sugar and butter cut into cubes. -Add the vanilla, lemon zest and baking powder. -Finally the eggs and mix. -Using your hands, knead the dough. -Shape into cylindrical loaves, cut into pieces and form small balls (chestnuts). -Fry in plenty of hot oil, drain and roll in powdered sugar.

    Buon appetito Rosanna

    More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>


    Ingredienti (4-6 persone): -Farina (gr 400) -Zucchero (gr 100) -Burro (gr 100) -Uova (4)  -Lievito per dolci (1 bustina) -Vanillina (1 bustina) - Buccia grattuggiata di limone -Liquore all'arancia (1/2 bicchierino)


    -In una ciotola, lavorare con le mani , la farina, lo zucchero e il burro tagliato a cubetti . -Aggiungere la vanillina, la buccia di limone e il lievito. -Infine le uova e impastare. -Fare dei filoncini cilindrici, tagliare a tocchetti e formare le palline ( castagnole ). -Friggere in abbondante olio , sgocciolare e rotolarle nello zucchero. ...pronte le Castagnole!!! 


  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    Thin Fried Pastries from the Ancient Time. A Must for Carnival

    In Italy is not the right time to start a diet, because it’s Carnival time! Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent.

    A curiosity from the ancient time. Frappe were born when the Romans used to celebrate the so-called “Saturnali” in honour of Gods. 


    Ingredients (4-6 servings): 

    Flour (500 grams)  Sugar (100 grams)  Eggs (5) Extra-virgin olive oil  (50 grams)  A pinch of salt Vanilla extract (one tsp.) Powdered sugar - enough to sprinkle the chiacchiere.



    -On a clean countertop, arrange the flour in the shape of a hill with a hole in the center. -Pour the sugar, oil, vanilla extract and eggs in the middle. -Add a pinch of salt and start to knead the dough until it forms into a ball. -Cut the dough into slices and run each one through a pasta maker until it is as its thinnest. -Cut the thinned out dough into 1 inch wide strips, and cut a 1 inch long slit in the middle of each strip. -Warm up the oil in a deep pan and begin to fry the chiacchiere. -Sprinkle the finished product with some powdered sugar and your CHIACCHIERE are ready!

    Buon appetito Rosanna



     Ingredienti (4-6 persone):

    Farina (gr.500) Zucchero (gr.100) Olio extravergine di oliva (gr.50) Uova intere (5) Pizzico sale Vanillina (1 bustina)


    -Disporre la farina a fontana; versare lo zucchero, l'olio e le uova. -Aggiungere un pizzico di sale e Iniziare a lavorare l'impasto, fino e formare una palla. -Tagliare a tranci l'impasto e iniziare ad assottigliare con la macchinetta fino al minimo spessore . -Si fa scaldare in una pentola l'olivo e si cominciano a friggere le chiacchiere. -Si spolverano con lo zucchero a velo e ...pronte le CHIACCHIERE !!!

  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    RECIPE. Whether You Call Them Chiacchiere, Frappe or Bugie ...

    In Italy is not the right time to start a diet, because it’s Carnival time! Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent.

    A curiosity from the ancient time. Frappe were born when the Romans used to celebrate the so-called “Saturnali” in honour of Gods. 


    Ingredients (4-6 servings): 

    Flour (500 grams)  Sugar (100 grams)  Eggs (5) Extra-virgin olive oil  (50 grams)  A pinch of salt Vanilla extract (one tsp.) Powdered sugar - enough to sprinkle the chiacchiere.



    -On a clean countertop, arrange the flour in the shape of a hill with a hole in the center. -Pour the sugar, oil, vanilla extract and eggs in the middle. -Add a pinch of salt and start to knead the dough until it forms into a ball. -Cut the dough into slices and run each one through a pasta maker until it is as its thinnest. -Cut the thinned out dough into 1 inch wide strips, and cut a 1 inch long slit in the middle of each strip. -Warm up the oil in a deep pan and begin to fry the chiacchiere. -Sprinkle the finished product with some powdered sugar and your CHIACCHIERE are ready!

    Buon appetito Rosanna

    More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>


     Ingredienti (4-6 persone):

    Farina (gr.500) Zucchero (gr.100) Olio extravergine di oliva (gr.50) Uova intere (5) Pizzico sale Vanillina (1 bustina)


    -Disporre la farina a fontana; versare lo zucchero, l'olio e le uova. -Aggiungere un pizzico di sale e Iniziare a lavorare l'impasto, fino e formare una palla. -Tagliare a tranci l'impasto e iniziare ad assottigliare con la macchinetta fino al minimo spessore . -Si fa scaldare in una pentola l'olivo e si cominciano a friggere le chiacchiere. -Si spolverano con lo zucchero a velo e ...pronte le CHIACCHIERE !!!

  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews

    LA RICETTA - Ravioli di Carnevale from Abruzzo

    Makes 4 servings Ingredients for the dough: Semolina flour (500g)  Whole eggs  (3)  Cold water (1/2 cup) Pinch of salt Ingredients for the filling: Fresh ricotta (350g)  Grated parmesan (100g)  White granulated sugar (2 tbs) Egg yolk(1) Ground cinnamon  (1 tsp)  Pinch of salt


    -On an even, preferably wooden surface, pour the flour creating a hole in the middle. -Break the eggs and place in the center. -Start working the eggs into the flour, adding a bit of water and salt at a time. -Knead the dough until it is smooth (about 5 minutes). -Keeping it covered with a cloth let the dough rest. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: -In a bowl combine the ricotta, egg yolk, parmesan, and sugar sugar, mix. -Add the salt and cinnamon. -Take the dough and prepare it for ravioli using the pasta making machine and paying attention to the thickness of the sheet, which should not be too thin. -Create strips about 15cmwide and 40cm long. -Place spoonfuls of filling centrally on the strips about 10cm away from one another. -Fold the strip of dough over itself and cut crescent-shaped ravioli using a pastry wheel. -Place the raviolis on a sheet of paper and with a needle, poke each one gently to prevent them from breaking during cooking. 

    Serve with a meat sauce sprinkled with parmesan flakes. Buon appetito Rosanna More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>

    ------- Ingredienti (4 persone) l'impasto: Farina di semola ( semolino ) (gr 500) Uova intere (3) -Acqua fredda (1/2 bicchiere)  Pizzico di sale il ripieno: Ricotta fresca (gr 350) Grana grattugiato (gr 100) Tuorli (1)                                                   Zucchero bianco semolato (gr 20) Cannella in polvere (1 cucchiaino) Pizzico di sale


    -Su di un piano, preferibilmente di legno, versare la semola a forma di campana e fare un buco al centro. -Rompere le uova e versarle nel centro. -Iniziare a lavorare le uova con la farina aggiungendo un poco per volta l'acqua e il sale e lavorare l'impasto fino a renderlo omogeneo (5 minuti). -Lasciare riposare l'impasto tenendolo coperto con un canovaccio. Nel frattempo preparare il ripieno: -In un recipiente versare la ricotta, il tuorlo, la grana , lo zucchero e mescolare. -Aggiungiere il sale e la cannella. -Tornare sul l'impasto e preparare la sfoglia per i ravioli. -Una volta che la sfoglia e' pronta (si lavora con la macchina per la pasta) facendo attenzione allo spessore della sfoglia, ovvero non deve essere molto sottile. -Fare delle strisce larghe circa 15cm e lunghe 40cm -Su di esse porre centralmente dei ciuffi di ripieno distanti tra di loro 10cm. -Ribaltare su se stessa la striscia di pasta e con la rotella tagliare a forma di mezzaluna i ravioli. -Porre i ravioli su un vassoio di carta e con un ago, bucherellarli delicatamente (per evitare che in fase di cottura si rompino).

    Per il condimento, si consiglia ragù di carne e spolverata di grana a scaglie. 

    Altre ricette nel blog di Rosanna >>>

  • Dining in & out

    Zia Armida’s Warm Bread with Butter

    Serves 4 people


    l 1 baguette

    l 1 bunch of parsley

    l 2 cloves of garlic

    l 4 tablespoons of butter

    l 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil



    - Wash the parsley, dry it, and cut it finely;

    - Repeat the same steps with the garlic  

    - Cut the baguette into ½ inch slices;

    - Put the parsley and garlic in a bowl, add the butter, and start mixing  w  Add the extra virgin olive oil and mix everything together  w  Put the mixture on the slices of bread and put the baguette back together;

    - Wrap the baguette in aluminum foil and bake in the oven at 500 degrees for 20 minutes until it becomes golden;  

    - Serve hot as an appetizer and accompany it with a good white wine;

  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    Pupe & Cavallini di Pasqua from Abruzzo ~ Easter Dolls & Horses

    Ingredients for 10 Dolls (black pasta)

    Flour type "00" (1 kg / 8 cups) Sugar (300 gr / 1 1/2 cups) Honey (300 gr / 1 1/2 cups) Cocoa powder (75 gr / 5 tbs) Whole eggs (5) Almonds (300 gr / 1 1/2 cups) Baking powder (30 gr / 2 tbs) Olive oil (2 tbsp) Cinnamon (1 tbs)

    Ingredients for decoration:

    Dark chocolate (300 gr / 1 1/2 cups) Butter (50 gr / 3 1/2 tbs) Egg  white  (1 ) Icing: Sugar (100 gr / 6 1/2 tbs) Lemon (1)


    -Chop the almonds finely. -On a wooden surface place the flour, add the eggs, almonds, sugar, cinnamon, cocoa, honey, baking powder and oil. -Mix all the ingredients and knead until you get a smooth dough. - Roll out the dough, and create them into the shape of a doll (You can you a stencil). -Place the ready Dolls on a baking sheet and put them in the oven preheated to 350 F for about 20 minutes. -Once baked let them cool. -Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for the filling. -Melt the chocolate and butter bain-marie (water bath). -Once melted, brush the chocolate onto the Dolls  and let it set. - Whip the egg whites with sugar and a few drops of lemon. -Decorate as desired.

    Buon appetito Rosanna

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    Ingredienti per 10 PUPE ( pasta nera )

    Farina Tipo " 00" (1 kg) Zucchero (300 gr) Miele (300 gr) Cacao amaro (75 gr) Uova intere (5) Mandorle (300 gr) Ammoniaca per dolci (30 gr) ( o lievito per dolci) Olio di oliva (2 cucchiai) Cannella in polvere (1 cucchiaio)

    Ingredienti per decorazione :

    Cioccolato fondente (300 gr) Burro (50 gr) Uovo ( solo albume - 1) Zucchero a velo (100 gr) Limone (1)


    -Tritare le mandorle finemente. -Porre su un piano di legno la farina a fontana, versare le uova intere, le mandorle , lo zucchero, la cannella, il cacao, il miele, l'ammoniaca e l'olio. -Amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti e lavorare fino ad ottenere un impasto compatto. -Stendere la pasta, e fare le Pupe, ( dare la forma di una bambola ). -Mettere la Pupa in forno a 180 gradi per circa 20 minuti. -A fine cottura, lasciare raffreddare la Pupa. -Nel frattempo, preparare gli ingredienti per la farcitura. -Sciogliere il cioccolato con il burro a bagno-maria. -Una volta pronto, spennellare il cioccolato sulla Pupa e lasciare asciugare. -Procedere con la decorazione, quindi montare a neve l'albume con lo zucchero a velo e alcune gocce di limone. -Con l'aiuto di una siringa per dolci, decorare a piacere le Pupe.

    Buon appetito Rosanna

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  • Dining in & out: Recipes

    LA RICETTA. San Giuseppe's Zeppole

    This fried choux pastry is traditionally prepared on March 19th,  St. Joseph Day (la festa di San Giuseppe), also Father's Day in Italy.  And Rosanna is ready for you with her recipe!

    Recipe for 20 Zeppole Ingredients: Cold water (2 cups) Margarine or butter (125g / 5 oz) Wheat flour (250g / 8 oz) Eggs (6 whole) Baking powder (1/2 packet) Pinch of salt.

    Ingredients for the cream: Milk (2 cups) Egg yolks (3) Sugar (100 g / 1/2 cup) Wheat flour (50g / 1/4 cup) Vanilla extract 1/2 tablespoon

    Preparation of Zeppole:

    -Pour the water into a pan, add the salt and margarine (or butter).

    -Bring to a boil, then add the flour and sprinkle in the baking powder.

    -Mix with a wooden spoon until it takes a round shape, forms a sort of ball.

    -Let the mixture sit in a bowl for 10 minutes.

    -Add eggs (2 at a time) and mix with an electric mixer for about 10 minutes.

    -Prepare a baking sheet and cover it with wax paper.

    -Use a pastry bag with spout to form rings layering them on top of each other directly on the baking sheet.

    -Place in a 350 deg preheated oven (it's very important that the oven is hot) for 25 minutes.

    Preparation of the filling:

    -Boil the milk in a saucepan.

    -In another deep pan, off the heat, place the egg yolks, sugar and stir with a wooden spoon to achieve a soft texture.

    -Add the flour and continue stirring.

    -Add the boiling milk to the mixture, pouring it a little time, and mix everything together on low heat for 5 minutes.

    -Pour the ready cream into a bowl and add the vanilla stirring occasionally.

    -Once the zeppole are baked, let them cool and cut them in half, horizontally and fill with cream.

    -Dust with powdered sugar and serve.

    Buon appetito Rosanna More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>


  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews

    Ravioli di Carnevale

    Makes 4 servings Ingredients for the dough: Semolina flour (500g)  Whole eggs  (3)  Cold water (1/2 cup) Pinch of salt Ingredients for the filling: Fresh ricotta (350g)  Grated parmesan (100g)  White granulated sugar (2 tbs) Egg yolk(1) Ground cinnamon  (1 tsp)  Pinch of salt


    -On an even, preferably wooden surface, pour the flour creating a hole in the middle. -Break the eggs and place in the center. -Start working the eggs into the flour, adding a bit of water and salt at a time. -Knead the dough until it is smooth (about 5 minutes). -Keeping it covered with a cloth let the dough rest. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: -In a bowl combine the ricotta, egg yolk, parmesan, and sugar sugar, mix. -Add the salt and cinnamon. -Take the dough and prepare it for ravioli using the pasta making machine and paying attention to the thickness of the sheet, which should not be too thin. -Create strips about 15cmwide and 40cm long. -Place spoonfuls of filling centrally on the strips about 10cm away from one another. -Fold the strip of dough over itself and cut crescent-shaped ravioli using a pastry wheel. -Place the raviolis on a sheet of paper and with a needle, poke each one gently to prevent them from breaking during cooking. 

    Serve with a meat sauce sprinkled with parmesan flakes. Buon appetito Rosanna More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>>

    ------- Ingredienti (4 persone) l'impasto: Farina di semola ( semolino ) (gr 500) Uova intere (3) -Acqua fredda (1/2 bicchiere)  Pizzico di sale il ripieno: Ricotta fresca (gr 350) Grana grattugiato (gr 100) Tuorli (1)                                                   Zucchero bianco semolato (gr 20) Cannella in polvere (1 cucchiaino) Pizzico di sale


    -Su di un piano, preferibilmente di legno, versare la semola a forma di campana e fare un buco al centro. -Rompere le uova e versarle nel centro. -Iniziare a lavorare le uova con la farina aggiungendo un poco per volta l'acqua e il sale e lavorare l'impasto fino a renderlo omogeneo (5 minuti). -Lasciare riposare l'impasto tenendolo coperto con un canovaccio. Nel frattempo preparare il ripieno: -In un recipiente versare la ricotta, il tuorlo, la grana , lo zucchero e mescolare. -Aggiungiere il sale e la cannella. -Tornare sul l'impasto e preparare la sfoglia per i ravioli. -Una volta che la sfoglia e' pronta (si lavora con la macchina per la pasta) facendo attenzione allo spessore della sfoglia, ovvero non deve essere molto sottile. -Fare delle strisce larghe circa 15cm e lunghe 40cm -Su di esse porre centralmente dei ciuffi di ripieno distanti tra di loro 10cm. -Ribaltare su se stessa la striscia di pasta e con la rotella tagliare a forma di mezzaluna i ravioli. -Porre i ravioli su un vassoio di carta e con un ago, bucherellarli delicatamente (per evitare che in fase di cottura si rompino).

    Per il condimento, si consiglia ragù di carne e spolverata di grana a scaglie. 

    Altre ricette nel blog di Rosanna >>>

  • Dining in & out

    Cooking with Rosanna / Polenta with Mushrooms

    Serves 4 People









    ● Wash mushrooms and cook for a few minutes with oil and garlic. Add a little chopped parsley for flavor

    ● Meanwhile bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Add salt and a touch of oil before pouring the flour in

    ● Cook on low heat for approximately 30 minutes. (If using precooked flour, follow the cooking instructions on the package, usually 5 minutes)

    ● Spread the polenta on a wood cutting board and top it with mushrooms, parsley and cheese

    ● After a few minutes, add the tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes 

    ● Serve immediately

    ● Dig in!! 

    Rosanna Just Joined i-Italy Catering ans she's ready to come and cook at your home!

    For more information and recipes: www.cookingwithrosanna.com
