A new primary school called De Amicis was inaugurated last week in the town of Muccia in Marche, which had been hit by an earthquake in 2016. This project, which was realized in 119 days with the help of 45 local companies, was funded by the foundation of world-renowned Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli [2].
This is the second school that the foundation [3] has constructed in the earthquake-sensitive province of Macerata. The first one was the Giacomo Leopardi school, inaugurated in May 2018 in Sarnano.
The town of Muccia’s previous schools, which had been severely damaged during an earthquake, were taken down last January by the fire department. But on their ashes project leaders Paolo Bianchi and Sara Zingone built a state of the art 1000 square meter seismic-proof structure, complete with a photovoltaic implant, that will host 30 preschoolers and 70 primary school children right in the historical center.
The school has all the amenities the children could need: a library, an art room, a science lab, modern audiovisual implants, a gym, and a small soccer and basketball field. Obviously, musical education is given great importance: not only is there a dedicated music room, but every classroom is equipped to sing, play and hear music under the best conditions. The common room features a piano and shelves filled with various brand new instruments for the students to practice with.
As the inauguration ceremony began, Bocelli played the flute with the “Citta di Camerino” orchestra, conducted by maestro Vincenzo Correnti and it was later revealed that the foundation will also begin reconstructing Camerino’s music school, whose previous venue was also affected by the earthquake.
“I’m happy because we were able to show ourselves and the rest of the country that here too, when we really want to, we can get things done in a reasonable time,” commented Bocelli, who cut the ribbon during the inauguration. “Music elevates the spirit and we certainly need it, and it is an integral part of education, of culture.” he added.
The Mayor of Muccia, Mario Baroni, also expressed his joy. “Our land finds happiness once again, the hope that only music can give.” he said, and thanked the maestro for giving these children to study in the town they were born in.
To this, Bocelli replied that this endeavor was made possible by teamwork. “That’s why I created the Foundation,” he said, “because alone you can do a lot, but together you can do much more.” In fact, 45 local companies and 170 technicians and operators were involved in the project.
Italian President Sergio Mattarella and the Minister of Education Marco Bussetti also sent notes of recognition through official representatives. Bocelli concluded the ceremony by singing Ave Maria followed by the Italian National Anthem, for which he was accompanied by the young students and the Camerino band.
“We want this space to also help reactivate the town’s social life, which inevitably was damaged by the earthquake.” explains the President of the Bocelli Foundation, Laura Biancalani. For this reason, the new structure is already in use, hosting a summer school program that runs from July 1 to 13 and nightly events.
Source URL: http://ftp.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/andrea-bocelli-builds-new-school-in-muccia
[1] http://ftp.iitaly.org/files/inaugurazionejpg-0
[2] http://www.andreabocelli.com/
[3] https://www.andreabocellifoundation.org/