The international Patrons of Duomo di Milano [2] is a public charity that promotes a wider knowledge and understanding of the artistic and historical heritage of the Milan Cathedral in the United States.
With the help of this organization Milan seeks New York's help to raise the funds needed to restore the spire representing Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini [3], patroness of immigrants. The "Save the Saint" crowdfunding will be taking place between March 3 and May 1, 2015.
Saint Frances Cabrini, Italian religious sister and missionary later naturalized American, was a key figure for the Italian immigrants. She founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and was the first American citizen to be proclaimed saint in 1946.
An important symbol of the connection between Italy and America at a time when emigration was much different from today, Saint Cabrini is considered by the New Yorkers as the 'mother of migrants'. "Not east but west" was her advice.
The no profit organization International Patrons of Duomo di Milano has hosted a breakfast, which has seen the participation of the Italian Consul General Natalia Quintavalle and other representatives of the institutions, in the covered terrace of Eataly's Birreria.
The bright Birreria in the prestigious Eataly food store was very well suited for the performance of the Maestro Finazzer Flory [4] who has very effectively enacted the first chapter of "I promessi Sposi [5]" (The Betrothed). The novel, from the famous Milanese poet and writer, is to this day object of study in all Italian schools.
During the breakfast , two delightful young women presented the garments of the fashion designer Raffaella Curiel [6]: dresses that remind us of Caravaggio, inspired by the Expo2015 [7] theme and by Milan's symbol, the Duomo.
After the performance Stefano Albertini [8], director of the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò [9], gave a talk about the importance of the Italian artistic and cultural heritage and about Saint Frances Cabrini.
The amount needed for the restoration of the spire dedicated to Madre Cabrini is $150000. Donations can be made through the website [10].
Federica Olivares [11], from the organization, while introducing the initiative also portrayed Milan as 'global city' over the centuries, with its characteristics of excellence and style. The "Duomo' represents this beauty.
Alessandra Pellegrini, Chief Development Officer of the International Patrons, also added :" Those who will make a donation will be receiving something in return. For example, if you donate $50, your name will be engraved on a plaque to be placed under Madre Cabrini's
It's a union that will bring people from Milan and New York together".
She finally expressed her gratitude to Oscar Farinetti who enthusiastically decided to present the Duomo di Milano.
Doing the honors, in a room brightened by a lukewarm sun which offered a real Italian breakfast and decorated with big bread baskets, Dino Borri, in charge of Eataly NY.
Finally we would like to remind our readers that, in connection with the long-awaited Expo Milan 2015, Eataly is hosting, in collaboration with the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo [12], a collection of prestigious pieces originating from the Duomo itself.
The exhibition, open to the public, has been inaugurated by the Mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia two months ago.
Source URL:
[7] http://Expo2015