Maria Lisella's [2] new poetry collection, Thieves in the Family, was published by New York Quarterly Books in June 2014. Her work in Amore on Hope Street (Finishing Line Press) and Two Naked Feet (Poets Wear Prada) has been twice nominated for a Pushcart Poetry Prize. She won Honorable Mention from the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award and was a finalist for Queens, NY Poet Laureate. Her work appears in Feile Festa, LIPS, Paterson Literary Review, Skidrow Penthouse, DanMurano.com and First Literary Review-East. Lisella is a charter member of the 12-year-old online poetry circle brevitas [3] that culminates with annual The Festival of the Short Poem at the Bowery Poetry Club [4] and City Lore [5]. She co-curates the Italian American Writers Association [6]monthly readings, has organized readings at NYU's Casa Italiani Zerilli Marimo [7], at the NYPL on Mulberry St., and at 1199's Bread and Roses Gallery [8] in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire [9] and is co-chair of the Vito Marcantonio Forum [10]. Professionally, Lisella is an award-winning business writer with a focus on travel; her work has appeared in AFAR, FoxNews.com, The New York Daily News, Travel and Leisure and other major trade and consumer publications.
Event kicks off with Open Mic readings of five minutes.
COVER: $8 CONTACT: www.corneliastreetcafe.com; or 212-989-9319.
DIRECTIONS: By Subway, A, B, C, D, E, F, and M to West 4th St. or 1 to Christopher St.-Sheridan Square
Next Readings
Feb. 14: Peter Carravetta and Marisa Frasca @Sidewalk Café
Mar 14: Amy Barone and Al Tacconelli @ Cornelia St. Café
April 11: Anthony D’Aries and Julia Lisella @ Sidewalk Café
May 9: Gil Fagiani and Stephen Siciliano @ Cornelia St. Café
Contacts: www.iawa.net [19] , Arial;color:windowtext">www.corneliastreetcafe.com [20] or color:windowtext">www.sidewalkny.com [21]
Follow IAWA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/italianamericanwritersassociation [22]
Source URL: http://ftp.iitaly.org/magazine/events/reports/article/iawa-west-presents-maria-lisella-and-frank-messina-saturday-january
[1] http://ftp.iitaly.org/files/39089get-attachment-11419222287jpg
[2] http://books.nyq.org/pressreleases/thievesinthefamily_pr.pdf
[3] https://www.facebook.com/events/652390514858443/
[4] http://www.boweryartsandscience.org/
[5] http://citylore.org
[6] http://iawa.net
[7] http://www.casaitaliananyu.org/
[8] http://www.1199seiu.org/
[9] http://rememberthetrianglefire.org/
[10] http://vitomarcantonioforum.com/
[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Messina
[12] http://www.amazon.com/Full-Count-Book-Mets-Poetry/dp/1599215578
[13] https://finishinglinepress.com
[14] http://www.manhattanfilminstitute.com
[15] http://www.hbo.com/boardwalk-empire#/
[16] http://abc.go.com/shows/jimmy-kimmel-live
[17] http://web.sny.tv
[18] http://spokeface.com/bio.html
[19] http://www.iawa.net
[20] http://www.corneliastreetcafe.com
[21] http://www.sidewalkny.com
[22] http://www.facebook.com/italianamericanwritersassociation